A cause for pride?

A recent study published in the Scientific Journal for Personality and Individual differences, concerning the penis sizes of different nationalities has been food for thought for a number of weeks now. The study undertaken by Professor Richard Lynn, who is professor of Psychology at Ulster University has generated as much controversy as it has interest. In it he claims Africans have the largest erect penis size averaging 6.5 inches, while the Asians have the smallest. Of the countries sampled, the Democratic Republic of Congo came out tops with an envious 7.1 inches, followed by Ecuadorians at 7.0 inches. The tail end is occupied by North and South Koreans coming in with just 3.8 inches. For a full catalogue of nationalities and their sizes, follow the following link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2210784/British-men-bigger-penises-French-according-survey-manhood-sizes.html

Critics have been dismissive of the study claiming it has serious methodological flaws. By the author's own admission, his data was collected by visiting websites and is not based on primary research. However let not this make you quickly dismissive of the study. Professor Lynn has never been one to shy away from controversy. His work has included such divisive and controversial topics as measuring the intelligence of races, in which he found East Asians to have a 5 point higher IQ than Americans. The same study finds Sub-Saharan Africans to have a lower IQ than most races including African Americans. On Average, African Americans had a score of 85 while Sub-Saharan Africans had 76. He attributes the difference to Caucasian genes that have seeped through the African Americans, diet and environmental factors. He admits to trying to prove that women have smaller brains than men, failing and yet still claiming that the average IQ for men is at least 4 points higher than women. You can visit his website here http://www.rlynn.co.uk/ . Some other findings of his studies have included, a strong correlation between GDP of nations and the average IQ, GDP per capita and average IQ, relationship between race and intelligence.

If the Mail online is to be believed, the British were happy to finally beat the French at something. And the initial reactions from most of my African friends were with a sense of pride. Of course any woman will tell you that the size does not matter and what matters is how you use it. It is not like the mere possession of a big member compensates for the lack of love-making skills. What the study does though is further entrench the notion whose only basis up to now was purely conjecture, that black people have larger penises than the rest of human kind.

The dubious distinction of the record holder for the World's largest penis however, belongs to one Jonah Falcon, an actor and writer from New York. It is said that his is thicker than his wrist and longer than his fore-arm. Undoubtedly, Professor Flynn would argue that the case of Jonah is what social scientists call an outlier. This is to mean, Jonah's manhood size lies so far from the normal distribution to render it a break of pattern as opposed to a cogent observation. While it can inflate the average if it is part of the sample, I am sure it was not included in this study.

Good question

This study and the reaction shows that many people care about the sizes of their penis than they care to admit. Even though the findings split opinion one cannot help but think there are many who are massively pleased with their national averages. In the same way I am sure there are many who believe the study has not done justice to their pride. I know of people who have taken it upon themselves to measure theirs just to make sure they are above the average. When one friend of mine told me he intended measuring his, he answered my incredulous look by claiming, "it is a vital life and demographic statistic". Yes in the same way weight, height and shoe size are.

So then what do we say to all of this, is it a cause for celebration? Hardly! in my view. I am not convinced of the benefit the study has towards me apart from earning me some controversial bragging rights albeit with flawed methodology to contend with. I am not even sure whether the study does anything substantive to the Congolese people apart from the newly recognised status they will command from anyone who is acquainted with the study. The moment you say "I am Congolese", it will be confirmation that your anatomy is the home of 7.1 inches. As someone living in Ndola, just a few hundred kilometres from the DRC, I do hope some of that Congolese gene seeps through.


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