Spring break

Drafted during the spring break. Posted in the summer.

The unrelenting pace of academic work has finally given way to the much needed spring break. The spring for anyone not associated with KDI, is a small window of precisely seven days before the beginning of the summer semester. To be honest spring came and went without me ever completely noticing it. So much for the four distinct seasons that Korea has the fortune of boasting about.

Don't get me wrong, there were days when the flowers were in full bloom, the birds happily chirping, the weather delicately poised at just the right temperature, with not a whiff of wind blowing. But those would invariably be preceded and followed by days of rain and blistery winds. My complaint in short, is I never had enough of the spring.

With crazy compliments of Dawit Ayele.

The break has been good to me though. I had initially envisaged that I would travel to Busan, but pulled out at the last minute despite the Korean government being generous enough to give me a return ticket. Me and my Ethiopian roommate Dawit, just didn't feel like. So I have spent the days sleeping, watching movies and reading. The order is according to time spent on each.

One good thing that has come out of the break is that now more clearer than ever I have a solid conceptualization of my thesis subject. Being someone who is concentrating in Fiscal and Social Policy, I was always of the view that something relating to the budgetary process will be good enough. But in one of those light-bulb moments, I saw it, and it was clear that the winning thesis was going to be different. I have since began making contact with people I think will be of help and things are looking up.

On the downside though, the strategic indolence has led me to almost inevitably be incessantly thinking about home. Try as hard as I want to push it to the side, I cannot help it.

Lord help me be strong and finish this programme succesfully.


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